American Association of Insurance Services |
www.aaisonline.com |
The American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) is a national insurance advisory organization that develops policy forms, manual rules, and rating information used by more than 600 property/casualty companies throughout the United States. |
Automobile Insurers Bureau of Massachusetts |
www.aib.org |
The AIB has been the auto industry’s service bureau in Massachusetts since 1925, throughout the “Fix and Establish” era, and now in the “Managed Competition” era. AIB is an all-service organization for Personal and Commercial Auto offering rating support, rules and forms support, actuarial and legal services and much more for their 270+ member companies. |
www.aipso.com |
AIPSO is a management organization and service provider for various insurance industry groups responsible for administering the residual market. Being a nonprofit organization, the revenues AIPSO receives from automobile insurers generally cover only its operating costs. These costs are shared among the insurers on a market share basis for each of 49 states (as well as District of Columbia) in which AIPSO provides services. Many AIPSO services are provided directly to or on behalf of Governing Committees representing residual market mechanisms in each state. Service components are frequently subject to the prior approval of the respective state insurance regulators. |
The Compensation Advisory Organization of Michigan |
www.caom.com |
It is the purpose of The Compensation Advisory Organization of Michigan (CAOM) to perform all functions required of the designated advisory organization by Public Act No. 7, Public Acts of 1982, being Chapter 24 of the Michigan Insurance Code of 1956, as amended, MCLA 500.2407, and such other services for member insurers as are permitted by applicable law. |
Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers |
www.commauto.com |
Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers (CAR) is the industry operated residual market and statistical agent for motor vehicle insurance in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In its residual market role, CAR provides access to private passenger and commercial motor vehicle liability and physical damage insurance to that segment of the State's motoring public that is unable to obtain automobile coverage through the voluntary market. Every company that is licensed to write motor vehicle insurance in Massachusetts is required to become a member of CAR. When a company exceeds the established volume thresholds and meets certain eligibility requirements, the company will be required to become a CAR Servicing Carrier. Servicing Carriers are responsible for issuing, processing, and servicing ceded business for CAR. |
Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau |
www.dcrb.com |
The Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau (DCRB) is a non-profit corporation formed in 1917 in accordance with the insurance laws of Delaware and is not affiliated with state government. The DCRB’s enabling statute specified that classification of employers, underwriting rules, policy forms, loss cost values and rating plans for workers compensation shall be proposed by a rating bureau. The DCRB is subject to supervision and examination by the Delaware Insurance Commissioner, who must approve its ability to compile loss costs and assigned risk rates on an equitable and impartial basis. The DCRB membership is comprised of insurance carriers authorized to sell workers compensation insurance in Delaware. |
Demo Bureau |
This bureau is to provide sample data for free trials. |
Hawaii Insurance Bureau |
www.hibinc.com |
The Hawaii Insurance Bureau (HIB) is an independent rating bureau for all lines except inland marine. |
Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau |
www.icrb.net |
The Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau (ICRB) is a private non-profit, unincorporated association of all insurance companies licensed to write workers compensation insurance in Indiana. The ICRB is a statutory rating organization as set forth in Chapter 27-7-2 of the Indiana Insurance Laws.
The law empowers the ICRB to gather information from its member companies that may be necessary to establish fair and adequate advisory rates. This information is submitted to the Indiana Department of Insurance for review and then distributed to all member companies who use the rates or file their own rates. In addition to the data collection and ratemaking functions, the ICRB is responsible for various workers compensation programs: rules promulgation, experience rating, inspection and classification, assigned risk administration, industry education, and dispute resolution. |
Insurance Council of Texas |
www.insurancecouncil.org |
The Insurance Council of Texas (ICT) sells the Texas Auto Manual, the Texas Personal Lines Manual, Texas Workers’ Compensation Law and Rule Manual, Texas Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rate Manual, Texas Workers’ Compensation SOAH Decisions Digest and endorsement forms. ICT Services, Inc. also functions as a service bureau for automobile insurers in the calculation of experience modifiers under the Automobile Liability and Experience Rating Plan |
Insurance Services Office |
www.iso.com |
Insurance Services Office (ISO) provides statistical and actuarial information, policy forms and related services to insurers. Functions as an insurance advisory organization and statistical agent. Publishes rate manuals, plans, policy forms and endorsements and other materials. |
Idaho Surveying and Rating Bureau, Inc. |
www.isrb.com |
The Idaho Surveying and Rating Bureau, Inc. (ISRB) is an independent rating organization for monoline property lines of insurance (Commercial Fire and Allied Lines and Dwelling Fire and Allied Lines) |
The Mutual Service Office |
www.msonet.com |
The Mutual Service Office (MSO) provides custom rate and statistical services on all property and casualty lines except personal auto and boiler/machinery. |
Mississippi State Rating Bureau |
www.msratingbureau.com |
The Mississippi State Rating Bureau (MSRB) is an independent rating bureau for Commercial Fire (except glass), Dwelling Fire, and Farm Fire. All licensed fire companies must become members of the MSRB. ISO and the MSRB make concurrent filings for: - Farm, if the filing affects Farm Fire along with Farm Liability and/or Farm Inland Marine - any filing containing Glass coverage and Commercial Fire coverage - Commercial Package, if the filing affects Commercial Fire or Farm Fire - Businessowners |
Minnesota Workers' Compensation Insurers Association |
www.mwcia.org |
The Minnesota Workers' Compensation Insurers Association (MWCIA) is a non-profit corporation licensed by the State of Minnesota as a Data Service Organization. Minnesota law requires that insurers doing business in the state belong to a Data Service Organization. MWCIA collects policy, claims and financial data from all member insurers licensed to sell workers' compensation insurance in Minnesota. This information is used to develop MWCIA's Annual Ratemaking Report, calculate employer experience modifications and perform other duties under its license. MWCIA also provides underwriting and related services on behalf of the Minnesota Assigned Risk Plan. |
National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. |
www.ncci.com |
National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc., (NCCI) based in Boca Raton, FL, manages the nation’s largest database of workers compensation insurance information. NCCI analyzes industry trends, prepares workers compensation insurance rate recommendations, determines the cost of proposed legislation, and provides a variety of services and tools to maintain a healthy workers compensation system. |
North Carolina Rate Bureau |
www.ncrb.org |
The North Carolina Rate Bureau (NCRB) is an independent rating bureau for the "essential lines" (private passenger automobile, homeowners, dwelling fire and mobilehomeowners) and workers compensation. All companies licensed to write these lines must become members of the NCRB |
New Jersey Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau |
www.njcrib.com |
The New Jersey Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau (NJCRIB) is created and established pursuant to the provisions of Revised Statutes 34:15-89. It is under the supervision of the Commissioner of Insurance. NJCRIB is charged by Statute to: - Establish and maintain rules, regulations and premium rates for workers compensation and employers liability insurance - Adopt means for assuring uniform and accurate audit of payrolls as they relate to workers compensation insurance -Encourage employers to reduce the number and severity of accidents by adjusting premiums through the use of credits and debits under a uniform system of experience rating |
New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board |
www.nycirb.org |
The New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board (NYCIRB) is a non-profit, unincorporated association of insurance carriers, including the State Insurance Fund. In conjunction with the New York Workers' Compensation Law, the Insurance Law provides for the Superintendent of Insurance to designate a statistical organization to collect the loss, premium and payroll data from each carrier, summarize this information and develop an adequate rate structure. Since the enactment of the Workers' Compensation Law in 1914, the NYCIRB has been licensed as the official organization for the collection of data and development of workers compensation rates. |
Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau |
www.pcrb.com |
The Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau (PCRB) is a non-profit corporation formed in 1915 in accordance with the insurance laws of Pennsylvania and is not affiliated with state government. The PCRB’s enabling statute specified that classification of employers, underwriting rules, policy forms, loss cost values and rating plans for workers compensation shall be proposed by a rating bureau situated within the state. The PCRB is subject to supervision and examination by the Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner, who must approve its ability to compile loss costs on an equitable and impartial basis. The PCRB membership is comprised of all insurance carriers, including the State Workers’ Insurance Fund ("SWIF"), authorized to sell workers compensation insurance in Pennsylvania. |
Property Insurance Association of Louisiana |
www.pial.org |
The Property Insurance Association of Louisiana (PIAL) files rates, rules and forms for commercial fire and allied lines and dwelling fire and allied lines. The Property Insurance Association of Louisiana also files rates for homeowners, farmowners, mobilehomeowners, and businessowners. PIAL and ISO file jointly for rules, other supplementary rating information, and forms for homeowners, farmowners, mobilehomeowners and businessowners |
Regulatory Tracking |
www.pciaa.net |
Website of PCI state and Federal notices of current regulatory activity. Daily notices inform of adopted and enacted regulatory bulletins, house and senate bills in progress and related circular letters. |
The Surety & Fidelity Association of America |
www.surety.org |
The Surety & Fidelity Association of America (SFAA) is a trade association consisting of companies that collectively write the majority of surety and fidelity bonds in the United States. |
Texas Department of Insurance |
www.tdi.state.tx.us |
The Texas Department of Insurance regulates life and health insurance, company formation, insurer activities and coverage. It produces the Texas Basic Manual of Rules, Classifications and Experience Rating Plan for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability insurance. |
Underwriters Rating Board |
www.urbratingboard.com |
URB is a not for profit insurance rate service organization chartered and domiciled in New York State. The organization has a history of 60 years of continuous service to the insurance industry. Its aim is to be recognized as a pro-active, market driven supplier of a broad array of individualized services to insurers. The traditional market for the URB has been suburban and exurban insurers. The long term personal and professional relationship between URB and its member and subscriber companies is its greatest asset. |
Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California |
http://www.wcirb.com |
The Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California (WCIRB) produces a number of resources to assist the workers' compensation insurance community, including a variety of actuarial data products, regulatory publications, and educational seminars. |
Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau |
www.wcrb.org |
The Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau (WCRB) is responsible for the classification of employers, the rates and rating plans used, all policy forms and endorsements, and the collection and analysis of all statistical and other data needed to meet its responsibilities. All rates, rating plans, forms, etc. must be filed with and approved by OCI before insurers can use them. Deviations are not permitted. |
Workers Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau of Massachusetts |
www.wcribma.org |
The Workers Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau of Massachusetts (WCRIBMA) is a private non-profit unincorporated association of insurers that is licensed by the Massachusetts Division of Insurance as a rating organization for workers' compensation insurance in Massachusetts. As a licensed rating organization, the WCRIBMA collects policy, claims and financial data from all carriers licensed to sell workers' compensation insurance in Massachusetts. The WCRIBMA files rates, classifications and rating plans on behalf of member insurers. The WCRIBMA acts as the workers' compensation statistical agent and Assigned Risk Pool Administrator for the Division of Insurance, and coverage verification entity for the Department of Industrial Accidents. The WCRIBMA also issues experience modifications and classification rulings for the employers in Massachusetts. |
Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau |
www.wsrb.com |
On behalf of subscribers, the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau (WSRB) prepares and files with the Office of Insurance Commissioner the rules, rates and forms for several lines of property insurance: Farm, Commercial Fire and Allied Lines, Businessowners, HPR, Dwelling and Homeowners insurance. Public Protection Classifications and Building Code Enforcement Grades are also automatically filed on behalf of subscribers to this service. |