Bureau Details
Bureau Name: New Jersey Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau Bureau Code: NJCRIB
URL: www.njcrib.com Organization Type: State
Description: The New Jersey Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau (NJCRIB) is created and established pursuant to the provisions of Revised Statutes 34:15-89. It is under the supervision of the Commissioner of Insurance. NJCRIB is charged by Statute to: - Establish and maintain rules, regulations and premium rates for workers compensation and employers liability insurance - Adopt means for assuring uniform and accurate audit of payrolls as they relate to workers compensation insurance -Encourage employers to reduce the number and severity of accidents by adjusting premiums through the use of credits and debits under a uniform system of experience rating
Associated Lines of Business & States
LOB State
Workers Compensation NJ
Workers Compensation NJ
Workers Compensation NJ
Workers Compensation NJ
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