Bureau Details
Bureau Name: Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau Bureau Code: ICRB
URL: www.icrb.net Organization Type: State
Description: The Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau (ICRB) is a private non-profit, unincorporated association of all insurance companies licensed to write workers compensation insurance in Indiana. The ICRB is a statutory rating organization as set forth in Chapter 27-7-2 of the Indiana Insurance Laws. The law empowers the ICRB to gather information from its member companies that may be necessary to establish fair and adequate advisory rates. This information is submitted to the Indiana Department of Insurance for review and then distributed to all member companies who use the rates or file their own rates. In addition to the data collection and ratemaking functions, the ICRB is responsible for various workers compensation programs: rules promulgation, experience rating, inspection and classification, assigned risk administration, industry education, and dispute resolution.
Associated Lines of Business & States
LOB State
Workers Compensation IN
Workers Compensation IN
Workers Compensation IN
Workers Compensation IN
Workers Compensation IN
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